Sunday, November 20, 2011


So I need to catch up on my month of thanks. And for those who are curious about what happened at my job, it will be scattered throughout and then at the end, so just read the whole thing ;) Well, here goes!

Nov. 19-Temples
We went to the temple with some of our friends and it was so wonderful. It truly is amazing to have somewhere to go to completely escape this life and the worries this life brings. We had a wonderful experience in the temple and it brought so much peace to me. I am so grateful to live so close to a temple.

Nov. 18- A supportive family and husband that will defend me when wrongs me.
Well I was pretty nervous to tell my family that I had quit my job. I didn't want them to freak out at me and tell me that I shouldn't have done that... so I was very nervous to say the least! But I told my parents and my in-laws and they were all so supportive. My parents were completely on my side and understood why I quit and I was so grateful! Thank you to my wonderful parents-both sets!

Nov. 17-Courage and faith to help me stand up for myself and do what's right.
This was the day I quit my job. It felt SO good! Things had just been getting really, really awful at the store and I was being treated like crap. I got in trouble for something that was in no way my fault, and I was done. After the phone call where someone got upset with me I went upstairs and just started crying. After that, I decided to quit-it was the last straw. So I called up an appropriate person and quit. Wow! A HUGE weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt soooo good!

Nov. 16-Pageants and the interview skills they taught me.
I had applied at a different job the previous week. They called me on the 15th and asked if I could come in for an interview on the 16th, so I did. I was really nervous. My previous job had really beaten me down so I didn't have a ton of confidence. And I had been at Flower Patch for almost 4 years, so I hadn't had to interview for a long time. But once I got in for my interview my pageant interview skills kinda kicked in and I did really well and actually kinda enjoyed myself.

Nov. 15- Not having to clean the kitchen. Sometimes I just hate doing dishes!
I was exhausted after work and desperately needed a nap. So I actually got one. I fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up, Spencer had cleaned the kitchen. :) What a wonderful treat!

Nov. 14-Priesthood Blessings and a husband worthy to give them to me.
I was really, really struggling with my job and just life. We have really been struggling money-wise and that was weighing down on me. Bust mostly it was my job. I absolutely hated going to work everyday. So I asked Spencer to give me a blessing and he was able to do it just a few minutes later. What a blessing and comfort to me!
For those who don't know what a Priesthood Blessing is, it is a "prayer for healing, comfort or counsel given by a Melchizedek Priesthood holder, who lays his hands on the head of the person receiving the blessing." They are basically acting as a mouthpiece for our Heavenly Father, so that we can receive His counsel and comfort. They are truly amazing!

Nov. 13-A husband that will push me to be a little more selfish and do something for myself once in awhile.
As I said previously, I was really struggling. I felt like Spencer wasn't helping around the house as much and I felt like I was doing everything. Working full time but also having to clean the apartment. He gently reminded me that he often tried to get me to do things for myself, but I would shrug it off and say, 'no this needs to be done,' so I never got anything for myself. So Spencer told me to be selfish for the week. It was not easy, but I definitely did a few very selfish things. One of which was quitting my job! haha. But that wasn't just selfish, it was the right thing to do. But I just was so grateful for a husband that would encourage me to do what I wanted to do and not care as much about what other people wanted. It felt very good!

So I quit my job. I don't even know where to begin explaining certain things... Things have been steadily decreasing at work since my old manager left. I guess I will start there. She gave corporate a month's notice, so they had time to figure out what they were going to do when she left... I don't think they gave it much thought. And they never told us what was happening, so it just fell on me to step in and open every morning and do all of the managerial duties. I was okay with that because I thought they would see how I handled things and they would consider me for manager. (yeah, that totally didn't happen! And they never even thanked me for stepping in and taking care of what needed to be done.)
So I was "in charge" without being paid or anything. And then they brought in a girl that used to work there. She had been fired because of all the problems she caused.... but corporate brought her back. That was when all of the problems started. Long story short, I started having to deal with a lot more problems-things being priced wrong, orders that weren't taken properly, orders with wrong prices/product so there were more angry customers. Her arrangements weren't the greatest either, so I was constantly having to re-do her arrangements. She just caused WAY more work for me. And if something slipped past me or I decided to just not fix one of her mistakes, I got in trouble. Then soon, everyone was lying to each other and backstabbing each other. I had NO idea who I could trust at all. There were so many problems going on at the store and I could not fix anything. There was no control over anything at the shop.

I sent emails to corporate asking them to step in and tell us what they wanted, and I never got a response. I even sent an email saying that I would like to be considered for the manager position and I never got any response-not even a response just saying that they had received the email.
Anyway, I sent an email to corporate explaining what was going on. And so did a few other girls. The only response then I got was "we will be taking care of this at the meeting on wednesday." And when that meeting came around, nothing that I had mentioned in my email was addressed. And none of the other girls' emails were addressed. They just said play nice. And absolutely nothing changed. Other than everyone started hating corporate even more. One particular corporate member came down for the meeting, we'll call him Pete. He was a complete jerk. He talked to us like we were worthless. And he flat out said, I want you all to stay because you've been here awhile and know what's going on, but you are all replaceable. So if you don't step up for the new changes, you will be fired. Pete also told us that we would not be getting a raise if we had gotten one in the past twelve months. This was complete crap because I had stepped up and was in charge of all of the managerial duties at the store and never received any compensation for it, and this just told me that even though they kept giving me more duties, I would not get a raise because I got one in May. All that they accomplished with their meeting was making all of the girls hate them even more. So much that one girl quit the following week, another girl quit and yesterday was her last day. Another girl is quitting in the next couple weeks, and they lost me abruptly on Thursday.
Anyway, the meeting wasn't why I quit. It definitely made me VERY upset and made me loathe Pete, but it's not what made me quit. What made me quit was how they treated me. If there were mistakes in the store, I got in trouble for them. Regardless of who caused the mistake, somehow I was the one that got in trouble for it. This girl that they brought back that caused a lot of problems. We will call her Ann to make it easier. Ann was bringing in someone to help her at night sometimes. This meant she was bringing in someone who didn't work there, and the girl was making arrangements for the company. This is a huge no no, and to make it even worse, the girl was on the do-not-hire list because of the crap she pulled when she used to work for the Flower Patch. The same girl that Ann brought in stole from the store. Ann said she would pay for it and never did. I told corporate about it and guess what? No response and nothing happened to her. Ann actually stole from the store as well. (And come to find out she shoplifted from another store as well.) So this is the girl that I am dealing with... corporate sided with her. I kept getting in trouble for mistakes Ann was making.
Well the past week when I came in to work in the morning, nothing was done. The store was a complete mess, flowers were out of water, buckets with flowers/greenery were left out over night--nothing had been done. It was getting really frustrating and making us get behind in the mornings. So Thursday I sent an email to a corporate-ish lady, (we'll call her Jan) that we have been dealing with. I explained the situation. I didn't even name names, except for one, making sure they knew that this one particular girl was always very good and when she closed things were done correctly. I didn't get upset or anything. I just explained what was going on. I even apologized, telling her I was sorry to bug her about this because she isn't the manager down at the Provo store. (They had hired a new manager and she is starting tomorrow at the Provo location.) I told Jan that I didn't have the email for the new manager, so if she would please just forward it to the new manager that would be great. Well guess what happened? Jan called me a little bit later and got upset at me for the email. She basically said well it's kind of your fault anyway. She said I had left early the previous day, which I had, but I had gotten the girl that was taking over for me to come in early so I could leave early. So I hadn't just left. And the girl, Ann, that was the closing designer for the night, had come in over an hour late. Well none of that was mentioned in the phone call. She just got upset with me. So it was the final straw. I went upstairs and cried after the phone call and I called Spencer to talk to him. He said he would support me in whatever I decided. I decided to quit. I called Spencer and told him and then I called Jan and told her I quit. I said I would stay till 12 till Ann got there and then I would leave. And that I would work my shift the next day, but that I was done after that. Well a few hours later I got a call from Pete. He said, "in light of what happened today, Jan will be opening at the store tomorrow morning and it's probably best that you don't work together, so you should just clear out and go." So I took my key in and got all of my stuff and I am done.
And I am SO happy about it! A very real weight was lifted off of my shoulders when I quit and I was ecstatic about it. It was invigorating and felt so good. I have been so much happier this weekend. And I know that it kinda screwed them over, which they totally deserve. I was even supposed to help teach/train the new manager this week. So I am good enough to help teach the new manager, but I'm not good enough to be manager? So yeah. The fact that they kept siding with Ann, who is just downright not a good person, over me- their best worker and girl that had been there the longest and knew the most, was just terrible. It was completely wrong and I was sick of being treated like crap. And just to give you a little more insight to Ann. The night I quit, she sent me an email on facebook completely chewing me out-even cursing at me, saying 'you are so f-ingly selfish and immature.' She said lots more crappy stuff and I was just done with it. She had blocked me after sending it so I couldn't even respond. I just deleted it and I couldn't be happier that I don't work there anymore. I don't ever have to deal with those people again and I am so grateful!!

Anyway. So I am waiting to hear back from this other job that I applied to. I want to work there SO bad. They treat their workers so well and I really enjoyed the time I worked there. They paid me what they pay their temp workers, so come in and help them on Thursday and Friday because they were really busy. I really enjoyed working there! I had a second interview on Friday with one of the owners, so I am hoping and praying that I get the job!!! I guess I should say what it's for. It's a wholesaler here in Provo. They mass produce arrangement because they provide flower arrangements for a ton of grocery stores in the west. So I would just be a designer there, mass producing arrangements. I would love it! Prayers for it to work out for me would be wonderful, since we have no income right now. And prayers for Spencer to get accepted to the Media Arts Program would be much appreciated. Everything is turned in and he had his faculty interview, so now we just wait to find out. We will find out at the end of next month, the week after grades are posted. So we will keep everyone updated.
Sorry this post is SO long! It was very therapeutic for me to talk about everything that has been going on though. To those who read it all the way through, thank you for your time and I'm sorry it was so long. Love you all!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Catching up...

I didn't realize I hadn't put up some of the days of thankfulness! I got all creative one night and decided to make a "month of thanks" door thingy. So every day Spencer and I write on a leaf something we are grateful for, and then we put it on our closet door. :) So I will catch up with it all!!

Nov. 12-Nieces and nephews and the cute things they do.
We spent the day at my sister's house and her kids are adorable! They say and do the funniest things. There is something about being around babies/kids (especially nieces and nephews) that just cheers you up and makes you happy sometimes. Today was one of those days. :)

Nov. 11-A husband that is an excellent cook!
Spencer was wonderful and got up with me in the morning (6 am!) and made crepes. If he hadn't done that... I don't know where I would have been yesterday. It was a very long and frustrating day at work. I worked over eleven and a half hours and was so done with stuff that was going on. That small act in the morning helped me for the rest of the day.

Nov. 10-The Lord's tender mercies and putting people in the right place at the right time.
I don't believe in coincidences. Everything happens for a reason and that day... wow. I ran into an old friend/co-worker that was able to help me out. And it was just wonderful to catch up with a friend that I have missed.

Nov. 9-Internet/Technology.
I was able to throw together a portfolio and send it online to be printed at office max. It was such a blessing that I could do it over-night, 'cause that's what needed to happen!

Nov. 8-Being close to family and being able to help when they need it.
So our cousin lost her cell-phone on BYU campus and her mom called us to see if we could help out. We traipsed around for about an hour and a half to get her phone and track her down to give it back to her. Even though we lost out on sleep and I was tired the next day, I was so glad that we were able to help. I know I would have wanted someone to do the same for me.

Nov. 7-Deadlines. So there is something to look forward to and relief at the end!
Spencer's media arts application was due and I was so grateful to have it over and done with. I wasn't even the one doing it, but I did so much to help him, I was so relieved when he turned it in and it was done with. Now here's to hoping that he gets accepted!!

Nov. 6-A husband that knows the importance of fast offerings.
We are really strapped financially and I was having a hard time donating much money to fast offerings. Spencer chastised me and we gave more and have definitely reaped the rewards this week.

Nov. 5-Someone willing to take my shift at work
Time off of work is special. A co-worker took my shift and I was SO grateful. I didn't get much of a day off but it sure was nice to be able to help Spencer and do stuff we needed to do.

Nov. 4-Texing, so I can send and receive cute little messages from my husband while we are both busy.
Work gets pretty crazy and hard sometimes and being able to get little messages throughout the day really helps to lift my spirits and get me through the day.

Nov. 3-Friends that are willing to help when we need them.
Spencer's media arts application was coming due very quickly. Thankfully the Bishop brought his son to be in the short film he was doing, and our friend Preston was in it as well. I don't know what we would have done without them!!!

Nov. 2-Cat naps with my husband.
Pretty self explanatory there. It is amazing to just take a short nap snuggled up to Spencer. It gives me energy and just makes me happy!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 1 of Thanksgiving!

So I am going to try this day of thanks thing again! It is a little more appropriate this month, since Thanksgiving is this month. Anyway...

I cannot believe that it is the 1st of November already! This year has completely flown by. For which I am kinda grateful, this has been a pretty rough year and I have much higher hopes for next year. But we are hanging in there and doing the best we can, and that's all we can do really. Well today was quite the day. I had the day off of work but I definitely did not have the day off. Spencer is applying for the media arts program again this semester, so today we were running errands just getting stuff for his creative sample. He has to have a 3 minute or less creative sample-he is making a short film. We have the people, thank goodness! But today we had to get the clothes/props and it took quite a bit of time. But we have everything he needs, not it's just a matter of making it look more worn and used so that it fits what he is going for. But on to what I am grateful for today...

Cold Autumn Days
I know it's crazy that I am saying this, but sometimes I really do like cold weather. I do prefer cold to hot, though. But today was beautiful (minus the snow). The snow can stay on the mountains as long as it doesn't come down to us. I like looking at the snow, just not necessarily being in it. But today really was beautiful. There are still leaves on the trees, and when the wind would blow it would send the leaves flying and swirling about and it was absolutely beautiful! I enjoyed wearing a coat, and walking into a warm store after being out in the cold was just a wonderful feeling. Sometimes those cold days are just amazing and today was one of them!

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Month of Catch Up!

Okay, I know I totally failed at this. This month just got really busy and kind of hard, so this kinda went to pot. But I think I will do it next month and try to do it more faithfully. It will be more appropriate next month, with Thanksgiving and all. I will say, though, that Spencer is wonderful! I have really been struggling with things lately, and he has been so great. He is so loving and understanding. He has been so great the past couple days. We are hanging in there and doing our best. :) We have wonderful family, so we are very grateful for that!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thankfulness continued!

October 6th- Sun on a Cloudy Day
As I was cleaning up the kitchen on Thursday evening I opened the blinds on the big window in our front room. It had been cloudy and cold all day. I was listening to music as I was cleaning and suddenly the room lit up. I turned and looked out the window. A beautiful ray of sunshine was spilling over the trees in the quad and lighting up a spot in the grass. I went out on the balcony to better enjoy the view. I looked up and could see the hole in the clouds that was letting the sun spill through. It was truly a beautiful sight!

October 7th-"Your Choice" Prayers
If you are reading this blog it probably means you know me really well, which means that you know I had to make a very hard and big decision in who to marry. I had dated and was seriously expecting/waiting to marry a particular young man when Spencer came along. Long story short, after months of tears, prayers, and heartache, I chose to marry Spencer. My prayers had all been answered with, "It's your choice, they're both right." Obviously I chose Spencer. Well I am doing the wedding flowers for the other young man's wedding. Friday night I made the bouquet for her bridals so they came to my apartment to pick it up. We talked for a little while and it struck me again just how grateful I am for the decision I made. I know I would have been happy either way, because that was the answer to all of my prayers. But I am so glad that I am where I am. Seeing this engaged couple all googly-eyed and excited (not saying I'm not still like that, minus the engaged part) made me so happy. They look so good together and I know they are going to live a wonderful life and be so happy together. And I know that I made the best decision for me when I chose Spencer.

October 8th-Having no Plans
It is such a simple thing to clock out of work and go home. After a week of work, coming home to Spencer, knowing we didn't have to do anything for the rest of the night, made me so happy! Spencer and I were able to spend a great night together, sitting around and just enjoying each other's company. Not having any plans and just being able to do whatever you want--even if that means just sitting around watching episode after episode of Psych--is amazing!!!

October 9th- Laughter instead of Anger
I am sure many of you know that I have Vestibular Neuritis. Simplified, it's a problem with your inner ear that makes you really dizzy. Well I have been having problems with it the past couple days-- today especially. So I broke down and asked Spencer to help me with the Epley Maneuver. It is a little thing that is supposed to help with the dizziness. So I had just swung my legs over the edge of the bed to sit up, Spencer helping to hold my head. Well I was so dizzy and it happened so fast that Spencer had no time to react. As I sat up a major dizzy spell hit and I went straight over the edge of the bed, hit my leg on the chest of drawers and landed on the ground. I was instantly a little frustrated with Spencer. The point of having someone helping you with the maneuver is to help so that things like that don't happen. But he felt bad and I knew there wasn't a whole lot he could have done. So instead, I laughed to myself at how ridiculous I must have looked sprawling over the edge of the bed. I am so grateful for those moments when your first instinct is to be upset, but after just a little thought, you laugh at the situation. It makes life so much more enjoyable.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

31 Days of Thanks...wait....

I have recently decided that I need to be more grateful for the simple things in life. I have kind of lost sight of life's beauties and God's creations. So I am going to write about 31 things that I am grateful for-one for each day of October. After thinking about it just now, I realized that I am kind of a month early. But it's great preparation for Thanksgiving anyway! I need to go back a few days to catch up.

October 1st-Relationships
I am so grateful for the relationships that we have. The 1st was Spencer's birthday and I had been thinking for weeks what to do to surprise him and make a wonderful day for him. I actually was able to surprise him and (I think) make it a pretty good day for him. This made me think about relationships and how wonderful they are. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband that I love very much. And he loves me very much. This is such an amazing blessing in my life. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful, beautiful thing in my life. It gives me so much strength and happiness in my life. I have so many great relationships in my life and I am grateful for every one of them.

October 2nd-Living Prophets and Apostles
It was Conference Weekend and Spencer and I had the opportunity to watch all of conference in our apartment together. The talks given were amazing and brought the Spirit so strongly into our apartment, it was amazing! The talks gave me such a great desire to be better and try harder to live the Gospel. It is such a blessing to have moderns day Prophets and Apostles on the earth that speak for the Lord. It amazes me the love that they radiate. It makes me want to be a better person and to also radiate the love that they do. I just am very grateful for our loving Prophet and Apostles.

October 3rd-Nice Evenings/Date Nights/Family Home Evening
Okay, so I know that is a lot, but it makes sense in my mind and it is all connected. Monday night was beautiful-weather wise. It was overcast and chilly, but just perfect! Spencer and I had a date night that night, which could also be included as FHE, since it is just the two of us and it was Monday night. We went to the Riverwoods for some activities and we had a ball together. But the thing that I loved the most was walking outdoors with him because it was such a lovely evening. It is those simple moments-walking hand-in-hand with the love of your life on a beautiful fall night- that make life so enjoyable.

October4th-The Temple of the Lord
I must confess that Spencer and I have not been attending the Temple nearly as often as we should. But we decided that that is going to end and we went to the Temple on Tuesday. It was amazing! I feel so awful that we have not been more grateful that we live literally right next the the temple. We walked there together in the evening and went through a session. What a beautiful thing it is to be able to enter the House of the Lord and partake of the Spirit that is there. I felt such love and peace after going. We are making it a new resolve to go every week. We have the time, or we can make the time to go. I know we will be blessed even more for that and I can already see the blessings from going last night. I am so grateful to live so close to the temple. I am thankful that I can go with my husband and enjoy the Spirit and love that comes only from the Temple-a beautiful House of the Lord!

October 5th-Rain
I love rain. It smells wonderful, the sound of rainfall is gorgeous, and it cleanses the earth. I am sitting here writing this and I can hear the rain falling outside and it is music to my ears. For some reason it brings such comfort to me. There is something amazing about walking through a light drizzle with a breeze blowing around you. It just makes me smile sometimes. The beauty of God's creations amazes me. What love He must have for us to surround us with such beautiful things!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Home is where the heart is

I love coming home. There is no place more beautiful to me than Mink Creek, Idaho. We have been having a great weekend, despite me being sick. I have been sick since last Sunday-over a week now. I hate being sick. But home has been wonderful. We have been helping my dad fell trees and cut em up can haul 'em so he can use it for firewood this winter. It has been fun. We went way up the road and off a dirt road up a mountain for the trees. We found a ton of huckleberry bushes too! So we were picking a few and eating them-I have never had them before. They were SO good! I am definitely a fan of huckleberries now. We have had lots of fun with the family. We have played lots of games-settlers of catan, hand and food, scum... I totally rocked at all of them yesterday! haha. I am so happy we converted my dad to settlers of catan--he loves it now.
Anyway. It has been so fun spending time with my family. I am so grateful that we are so close and have such a great time together. My family is seriously awesome and I love them all so much.
So last night Spencer and I made stuffed jalapenos for the family. They were so yummy. My dad cooked them on the grill for us and they turned out really well.

Aside from all of that. Spencer did great this summer. I don't remember if I already mentioned but he did so well this past summer! He's doing pretty well this semester so far. We aren't that far into but so far it is going well. haha. Hopefully he keeps it up--I think he will.
Something fun! I actually won something! I entered a drawing on facebook for some free gourmet real vanilla. And I actually won! So we are getting 4- 4 ounce bottles of real vanilla, some coupons for some gourmet homemade root beer, and some coupons for the online gourmet food site. I am SUPER excited! We never win anything, so we are super excited.
Anyway, so things are going well for us. We are loving life and enjoying being married. I am so lucky to have Spencer in my life. He makes me so happy! We are both very sad to be going back to Provo today :( I love being home and I always hate leaving here. But still, things are going well and we are happy!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Rodeo Weekend!!

I am so excited to go home I cannot contain myself! Rodeo weekend is probably my favorite time of the year at home (aside from Christmas). It is so much fun. Preston just comes alive for That Famous Preston Night Rodeo. I am so excited to go home. We are taking Spencer's brother, Patrick, with us this year. He has never been to a rodeo before so I am excited for him to see it. And we are going to the parade tomorrow night because people ride horses in the parade to show off my uncles Paso Fino horse ranch. The parade every night is awesome as well. It is so much fun! I just can't wait to go home!!!!

Anyway. We are doing very well. Spencer is working SO hard for school. He is really kinda struggling with his computer programming class, but he is doing well. I am so proud of him for working so hard. Things are going well my way too. Just trudging on. I just have to say that I love flowers. I love my job. That's all I really can say, honestly, but life is great!

We are looking forward to spending some time with Spencer's family when they come in a couple weeks. It's been over a year since we have seen them so we are getting very excited to see them. Anyway, I seriously am just so excited to be going home I am being a little ridiculous and think I just need to go take a shower to try to calm down a little. haha. So till then!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

One year!!

Well it's been quite a long time since I've updated this! We are doing very well. Having a love/hate relationship with summer right now, but doing well :) We have been enjoying warmer weather so we can do stuff outside, but we hate the heat. We have had lots of fun so far. It has been lots of fun spending time with family. A lot of Spencer's extended family lives in Utah County, so we have been doing lots of fun things with them all. We had an especially great time this past weekend. We got to do lots of fun stuff. I will back up a little first.

Not this past Sunday, but the Sunday before that, I woke up extremely dizzy. I stayed dizzy all day long... and the next day... and the next day. Spencer made me go to the doctor on Tuesday since the dizziness wasn't letting up. Most people who know me know that I hate doctors, but I was fortunate enough to get a good doctor this time. He actually took me seriously and seemed genuine. Come to find out I have Vestibular Neuritis. It's a problem with the inner ear and there is nothing to cure it. That is the third time I have heard a doctor say that there is nothing they can do for me and that I just have to deal with it. Fun stuff! He kept emphasizing that the remedies he was telling me about would never get rid of it, just lessen it. So yeah, I have Vestibular Neuritis. Basically, I have 'crystals' or 'stones' in my inner ear. They move around and touch the hairs which throws my brain off, making me dizzy. For some people that have it, every so often they will have a week where the dizziness is really bad, and some people have a constant dizziness that never really goes away. It has been a week and three days now since it has started with me and it hasn't really let up completely. Some days are worse than others, but it's been a pretty constant dizziness for me. I am really hoping that it goes away and just comes back ever so often because it is not fun. Lots of people actually go to therapy to help them learn to balance themselves despite the dizziness. I don't think I will get to that point (especially because of the expense), but I have been having to just learn to work through the dizziness. Anyway, so Tuesday I found out about that. The doctor gave me a note excusing me from the whole week of classes, so I definitely took the week off to just rest up. Wednesday I was very frustrated and upset. It seems like I am constantly having little health quirks and it gets so frustrating. So finding out about another thing I have to deal with just really got me down on Wednesday. But Thursday I decided to have a different attitude about it. I decided that if I may just have to get used to being dizzy all the time, I needed to just deal with it and learn how to work through it. So even though I was still dizzy, Thursday was starting to look up. Friday was lots of fun because I was able to get enough work off that I was able to relax, spend time with Spencer, work only two hours, and then go to Seven Peaks!

It was my first time ever going to Seven Peaks, so I was actually very excited. Spencer and I went and met up with his Aunt Arline and Uncle Troy. Their kids Michael and Jessica were also there, and Jessica's boyfriend. We had lots of fun with them. Spencer and I mostly spent the time by ourselves except for the last little bit when we all decided to go on the new slide. We all raced down a couple times and had a great time :) Before that Troy and Arline were nice enough to let us use a double tube of theirs, so Spencer took me on some of his favorite rides and we had a blast!! After Seven Peaks closed Spencer and I went home and showered and got ready and then drove to American Fork to Troy and Arline's house. We dropped our stuff off and then drove to the Lehi Trafalga to play laser tag with some friends. We had a great time!! We did pretty well for some of the rounds and not so well on other rounds. After that we went back to Troy and Arline's and ended up staying up talking with Aunt Arline until almost 5 in the morning! Absolutely love them :)

Saturday morning (we spent the night there) we woke up and Arline had made a wonderful breakfast. We ate and ended up chatting with Arline for a couple hours before Spencer and I finally got ready and got on the road. It was our one year anniversary!!! 2 July was a wonderful day! We had planned on spending the day in Park City because that's where we went for our honeymoon and we needed new clothes and knew there would be great sales at the outlet malls there. So we were off to Park City, putting a lot of faith in our old car. But our car made it, even though the check engine light came on part of the way there. haha. We really enjoyed ourselves there and got some great deals. We spent $140 and got Spencer 2 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of shorts, and 2 shirts and got me 2 pairs of jeans, a pair of capris, and a cute top. And all of it was name brand stuff!! We were very happy with what we got and are very grateful we were able to find such great deals since money is pretty tight right now.

That evening we ate at Flannagan's Irish Pub and Restaurant and we loved it! The food was absolutely delicious and it was just fun since we had eaten at a pub in Dublin when we spent the day there, so it was way neat. Our car made it safely back to Provo, thank goodness! The check engine light came on again, but we made it! haha.

Sunday was fun, just a nice relaxed day and a wonderful dinner at Katrina and Lyndon's, as always. But the 4th of July was great! We spent the whole day with family and had a wonderful time. I am so grateful for all of the family that Spencer has around here. We spend a lot of time with them and I am grateful that we are all pretty close. I love his family and enjoy spending time with them all.

We are getting very anxious to see Spencer's immediate family. It has been since last summer since we have seen them, and they are moving back to the states this summer and we are very excited! Patrick, his younger brother will actually be here next week and we can't wait! We are very excited to see Spencer's parents and other siblings as well, but that won't be until next month :(

Sorry this is such a long post, I really shouldn't go so long without writing! But we are doing well. We are both taking classes this summer term and they are going alright. Spencer is doing amazing! He is really focusing and doing well in his classes, for which I am very grateful. It has been great having him focus on just school and not worry about having a job. I can tell that it has really improved his schooling and it just helps me see even more that we made the right decision in having him do school and me work full time. I am just taking classes to get the GPA up so it won't be difficult to start back up later.

Real quick before I go, I just have to brag about Spencer a little more. He has been so helpful and I love him so much! This dizziness stuff has slowed me down dramatically and he has been so patient and so helpful. He is always so understanding and so loving and I am so grateful to have such a wonderful husband. He is such a great man and I think myself very lucky to have him in my life. I can't believe we have been married for a year already. What a wonderful year it has been! I am looking forward to many, many more years with my best friend and love of my life!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mother's Day Madness

Well it's that time again-Mother's Day! For me, that means busy busy busy! Full time hours last week and more than full time this week. I can't even tell you how many arrangements I made just today! We are all working so hard. This is just going to be a very long week and I will be very excited when it's over!
Other than that craziness, things are going well. Spencer and I are happy as can be. We got him a new church suit and new church shoes. They look absolutely spectacular on him! He is so handsome. He's such a good husband. He has been so supportive of how busy I have been lately. He's so loving and so good to me. We have had so much fun with his family as of late. He has a new cousin, Tatiana, who is just a little doll.
Alyssa, Spencer's sister, has been down this past weekend and we have had a ton of fun talking with her. She looks so cute with her baby belly! Spencer got to spend a large part of the day with her today and he enjoyed it.
Spencer has been doing a lot with a student film lately. He has been absolutely loving it. He got to wrangle sheep this past weekend and he had a fun time of it. He did get pretty burned though and he has quite the red face! We heard from his family recently that they are moving to San Antonio! We are so excited that they will be in Texas. It is still far away but it is much better than the east coast, which we were expecting. They will be coming to the states this summer and we are so happy to see them again.
Anyway. I am just rambling and not paying close attention to what I am writing, so I will close. All that needs to be said is that I am very busy and tired and the week just barely started. But Spencer and I are doing very well and trying to live/enjoy life to the fullest!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back in Provo...

Very sadly we are back in Provo after a nice weekend at my house in Mink Creek. We went up on Saturday after I got off work. We came back early Monday morning, which made for a very long day but it was so worth it. A small trip was better than no trip at all. It was so wonderful to spend time with my parents. And spending a couple days in the country, away from everything, was absolutely amazing-I only wish we would have had more time to spend there. It is so relaxing being home. It is so beautiful there!
Monday morning we left my house at 7:30am so that we could get back to Provo in time for my 11 o' clock class. Spencer isn't much of a morning person, so he fell asleep pretty quickly after being in the car for awhile. So I drove most of the way with him being asleep and me left to my thoughts. I must preface, to those who don't know how much I hate Provo, that I always dread coming back to Provo after some time away. Monday was even worse, if that's possible. The second we got into Utah County the drivers changed. I was already going more than ten over the speed limit and cars were whizzing past me! They were tailing me then whipping to the side to pass me (mind you I was even in the HOV lane). It made me instantly frustrated and dreading even more being back in Provo. I feel like the drivers here are a great indicator of the type of people that are here. Rude, impatient, and egocentric! That is a generalization and I realize that not everyone here is like that. However, many people are and I get extremely frustrated with it.
Enough of my venting, though. Spencer and I bought some tie dye stuff and we are super excited to do it. We got shirts, socks, and a skirt for me to tie dye. I can't wait to do it, hopefully this weekend.
I just have to brag about my husband for a minute. He is so amazing. He is so good to me and I love him. He loves me so much and is so wonderful at showing and telling me that all the time. I am so grateful that he is such a good cook. He cooks a lot for us and it is always sooo delicious! Tonight we had a chicken and fruit salad that was so yummy, but very healthy, which is something we are really needing to work on right now. (Of course I say this right after we both eat a bowl of ice cream.)
Well now I am just rambling. So in short, we are doing well. Just trudging along and making the best of things. I may really dislike Provo, but I would much rather be here with Spencer than trying to do it alone. I would rather do anything with him than alone, really.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Missing the Music

So I was at home cleaning today just listening to music. And of course I was singing my heart out to it all. There's nothing like good ol' country and belting out to it. :) As I was singing, it made me realize just how much I miss it. I haven't really done any singing anymore and I miss it so much. Which made me start thinking about the piano. I can't express how deeply I miss being able to sit down at the piano and just release everything. I realize now just how badly I took for granted having a piano downstairs in my home. I know I haven't really had any formal lessons but I love it so much and I wish we had a piano sooo bad! I used to write songs all the time, or I would just sit down at the piano and play whatever I felt-it was so therapeutic. I haven't done that in a long time... I just really miss the music that used to consume so much of my life.
Anyway, so many changes have occurred recently. Changes regarding school and work, at least. After a lot of thought and prayer we have made a decision. I am stopping school after this semester so that I can work full time to put Spencer through school. With him trying to go into film and get into the film program, it just is too hard for him to work while trying to do everything else he needs to. In order for him to get the experience and resume he needs, he needs to be able to just focus on school and be able to work on student film projects so that he can get hands on experience. That is what filmmakers looks at, but if he is working while going to school it will make it a lot harder for him to get the experience he needs.
So I will start working full time the week of finals. I only have one final to take, which I can take the saturday before the full week of finals, so it will be great. I am actually quite excited to just work. I am to get more experience with my job, since I hope to someday have my own floral business (when we move away from here).
Now aside from all of that, we are doing pretty well. A little stressed with the end of the semester, but we are doing well. We had a great day today! I picked Spencer up from campus and we ate at a new diner in Provo which was super yummy! Then we went to the park and watched the ducks (my favorite!), then tossed the frisbee around and just had lots of fun together. Then we went to Hobby Lobby and just had a blast meandering around. We actually got stuff to do tie dye shirts which I am super excited about! haha. But life is going well. We are loving the married life and enjoying it to the fullest!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Eternity-What a beatiful concept!

Well Valentine's Day is over, thank goodness! It was... terrible. Honestly the worst V-day I have worked. This was my fourth year at the Flower Patch and it far surpassed all of them. I was so excited for the day to be over. Spencer did make my day a lot better, though. He was a contract driver for the holiday so I got to see him intermittently throughout the day. Just seeing him like that made my day so much better.
It was really just the night that got me. I was there at 6:45 that morning and come about 6pm that night I was starting to get a bit tired and sick of being at work. And of course I was dealing with ornery customers on the phone's in the back. I must interject now and say that I don't think there is ever reason to be mean to someone. I don't care what has gone on, there is absolutely no reason to be mean to another person. Now back to my night. After talking to a couple extremely upset, rude, and very mean people, I broke down. I just started crying cause I couldn't hold it back anymore. My manager was lovely and held me for a little while before she took over the phone call I was on because the lady had asked to speak to the manager. Anyway... I finally got off at about 8:30 but Spencer and I were hungry and definitely not feeling like cooking anything. So we walked across the street and ate at the Malt Shop. Yum! It was so good after a long day at work. I slept very well that night, needless to say!
The rest of the week I was still very busy with everything. I couldn't wait for Friday to come around and I was SUPER excited when it finally did! Spencer and I had gotten a coupon for this Bed and Breakfast in Cedar City so we decided to use it the weekend after V-Day because we knew we would both need a break. We got our room for half off, but upgraded for about $30 and it was soooo worth it! The place is called Amid Summer's Inn. I highly recommend going there if you want a relaxing/romantic getaway. The place was beautiful! And the breakfast in the morning was divine. It is home-made every morning and was so delicious. The night we got there we were so excited for our room. We stayed in the Sir Francis Drake room and it was decorated in sea apparel. There were ships, captain hats, oars, compasses, all sorts of stuff for decoration. It had a king size bed that was the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in in my entire life. We had such a wonderful night and wished we could stay longer. But it was back home the next day! I had through Monday off, though, so the weekend was still absolutely amazing. It was so relaxing and sooo nice to be able to spend time with Spencer. We spend a lot of time together, I know, but being to be together for a few days straight was so wonderful.
This week has gone by pretty quickly. School is still raging on and I am starting to stress out a little because I have the first draft of my full length play due on Wednesday. Yikes!
But today was wonderful (after I got off of work at 2, at least.) I came home and Spencer and I just goofed around, had lunch, etc. Then we went to the Temple with Brian and Julia, our good friends. We did sealings, and it was my first time doing them so I was very excited. It was truly a wonderful experience! Kneeling across the altar from Spencer again was so wonderful. It made me think back to our wedding day and how happy and excited I was. I starting thinking about the people that we were doing the sealing for and it made me happy. I know that they were probably overjoyed at being sealed for all eternity-I know I was! And we got to do sealings where children were sealed to the parents. It is truly a miraculous thing. The Temple is such a beautiful place. It is so amazing that we can do work for the dead so that they can receive the blessings even after they are dead. It was so special to be able to do that with Spencer and I loved it and can't wait to go back!
After the temple we were able to spend the rest of the evening with Brian and Julia. They made dinner (which was so yummy) and we brought the oreo cheesecake that Spencer made (which was absolutely amazing and delicious! SO glad I have a husband that is a wonderful cook!). I was able to write there more scenes for my play, but now we are home and I am ready for bed. We haven't gotten much sleep the past few days and I am really feeling it.
I just have to end with saying how grateful I am to have such a wonderful husband. Spencer is so good to me and I am so grateful to him. I am glad that we get to be together for time and all eternity. Eternity-what a concept!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

School, work, school, work....

We have been so busy with our school and work. We both quite dislike school, I like my job, but Spencer hates his. Fun stuff for us! Spencer didn't get accepted into the film program and it has been making things very difficult. He is going to apply one more time in the fall, but that's the only other shot he has. So we are hoping and praying that he gets in. He is retaking classes this semester to up his GPA, and hopefully that will help. He is extremely talented, so that's not what is holding him back. I am a little biased, but even so, Spencer is probably one of the most talented people I know. He is talented in so many ways it just blows me away. Sometimes I really feel like there is nothing he can't do. I love that man. And I know he loves me because of the crap he puts up with at work.

Oh the poor guy-his job sucks and he hates it. We both wish he could quit, but we definitely couldn't live on my paycheck alone. I guess if I withdrew from my classes (minus my major classes) I could work enough to pay for things until he found another job, but that's a little extreme. And Spencer would never let me do something like that. He is so good to me. The company he works for is changing their name, pretty much their whole business. He is not looking forward to the changes because that means he will be working with more upset customers than he already does, but what can he do? That is why he is trying so hard to find a different job. He is applied to multiple jobs on campus, but he hasn't heard back from any of them :( But I am sure something will come up. We are starting to pray about whether or not he should just quit now even without another job lined up just because he feels horrible working there. He feels so dishonest and like he has to be so mean to the customers... he really does just feel terrible working there. Having to tell people day after day, "I'm sorry you are losing your house and you can't make the payments but you are in the contract and you still have to pay," starts to wear on you and I can tell that it is wearing on him. :( So keep him in your prayers if you can!

My job is going. I love what I do, I just wish I was getting paid more what I am worth. I did just get a raise which I am extremely grateful for, and I am grateful to have a job that I enjoy in this economy. I am, however, absolutely dreading Valentine's Day. Worst day of the year in my opinion. It is a terrible holiday. I hate that there has to be a day set aside to tell your significant other that you love them. You should be doing that everyday, not just once a year! And not to mention it makes my life a living hell for a couple weeks. But Spencer is extremely supportive. And I know he will really help me through those couple weeks, he did last year. This year will be more crazy though, because we have significantly less help than last year. But life goes on!

And with Spencer as my husband, life does go on quite wonderfully! He makes me so happy. He is so loving and so good to me. I am grateful to have him in my life. Cuddling up with him in bed every night makes everything worth it.