Tuesday, January 25, 2011

School, work, school, work....

We have been so busy with our school and work. We both quite dislike school, I like my job, but Spencer hates his. Fun stuff for us! Spencer didn't get accepted into the film program and it has been making things very difficult. He is going to apply one more time in the fall, but that's the only other shot he has. So we are hoping and praying that he gets in. He is retaking classes this semester to up his GPA, and hopefully that will help. He is extremely talented, so that's not what is holding him back. I am a little biased, but even so, Spencer is probably one of the most talented people I know. He is talented in so many ways it just blows me away. Sometimes I really feel like there is nothing he can't do. I love that man. And I know he loves me because of the crap he puts up with at work.

Oh the poor guy-his job sucks and he hates it. We both wish he could quit, but we definitely couldn't live on my paycheck alone. I guess if I withdrew from my classes (minus my major classes) I could work enough to pay for things until he found another job, but that's a little extreme. And Spencer would never let me do something like that. He is so good to me. The company he works for is changing their name, pretty much their whole business. He is not looking forward to the changes because that means he will be working with more upset customers than he already does, but what can he do? That is why he is trying so hard to find a different job. He is applied to multiple jobs on campus, but he hasn't heard back from any of them :( But I am sure something will come up. We are starting to pray about whether or not he should just quit now even without another job lined up just because he feels horrible working there. He feels so dishonest and like he has to be so mean to the customers... he really does just feel terrible working there. Having to tell people day after day, "I'm sorry you are losing your house and you can't make the payments but you are in the contract and you still have to pay," starts to wear on you and I can tell that it is wearing on him. :( So keep him in your prayers if you can!

My job is going. I love what I do, I just wish I was getting paid more what I am worth. I did just get a raise which I am extremely grateful for, and I am grateful to have a job that I enjoy in this economy. I am, however, absolutely dreading Valentine's Day. Worst day of the year in my opinion. It is a terrible holiday. I hate that there has to be a day set aside to tell your significant other that you love them. You should be doing that everyday, not just once a year! And not to mention it makes my life a living hell for a couple weeks. But Spencer is extremely supportive. And I know he will really help me through those couple weeks, he did last year. This year will be more crazy though, because we have significantly less help than last year. But life goes on!

And with Spencer as my husband, life does go on quite wonderfully! He makes me so happy. He is so loving and so good to me. I am grateful to have him in my life. Cuddling up with him in bed every night makes everything worth it.