I haven't written in forever! Well I am 24 weeks pregnant as of today and I am enjoying it much more than before. Most of you probably already know that we are having a little boy and we are SOOO excited about it! I have been feeling him moving more lately and I absolutely love it. Spencer felt him move for the first time last Friday night. It was very fun and very cool :) It still takes me off guard sometimes when he kicks me hard and I jump (including during the middle of class!) haha.
School is going well. We are so busy! We are both directing a mask club (a one-act) play this semester for our directing practicum class. It is very fun but very stressful and busy. I have been rehearsing for mine for a few weeks now and it actually performs on November 7. So less than two weeks now! Bah!! I am so exciting/nervous. We still have a long way to go and I'm a little nervous but I have wonderful actors. So as long as we keep moving forward it should be a fun show! If you want to read the script I wrote for it, you can read it here. I would love more feedback on the script since I do still plan to work on this script because it is far from a final draft! Spencer has been helping me a lot as he is acting as my stage manager, but he really has been more of an assistant director for me. He has such a great eye for directing. He really is so talented and I love how much he has been helping me with my show.
I submitted a couple plays to KCACTF. It is basically a playwriting competition that BYU participates in. So as a student I was able to submit a few plays. I sent in the Newly Wed one that I am directing for my mask club, and I wrote a 10 minute play over the span of 2 days, spending about 5 hours to come up with a rough draft. And it is just that, a rough draft. But it's something I have been wanting to start on for awhile, so submitting it to KCACTF made me start it. If you want to read it, you can here.
Overall we are doing well. Freaking out a little bit that I am getting closer to having our baby. We are excited for him to come but we are also very nervous. Thankfully we still have a little bit, but time is flying so fast I know he's going to be here before we know it. Yikes!
If you are in the area and would like to see the one-act play I've been directing, it performs Thursday, November 7 at BYU in the NELKE theatre at 1, 2, and 4pm.