Friday, August 2, 2013

And then there were three!

Yep, we are expecting our first little one! And yes it was completely unexpected! haha. So I figured I would just tell our little story. If you've read my blog you will have seen that I had super irregular periods, and I found out I had high pro-lactin levels which basically meant it was going to be very difficult for us to get pregnant. Which we decided was great! I wanted to graduate and work for a year or so as a Stage Manager before having a baby, so 2015 at the earliest. Well back in May/June I started feeling really tired a lot. I didn't think too much of it because I was REALLY busy, so I figured I was just running myself into the ground. Then in June I had a couple other symptoms come up and the fatigue got worse. I couldn't make it through a day without a nap--seriously.

Spencer kept getting after me to take a pregnancy test and I kept pushing it off. "It's just my body being weird again. I know it's going to be negative to what's the point in spending the money on a test?"Finally on our anniversary, July 2nd, we were out enjoying lunch together and suddenly I was full and done after about 5 bites. No joke. I felt so uncomfortably full and was so tired. We went to Target to pick up a few things and since we were there I figured, "Well why not? I know that something is going on with my body and if I go to a doctor I know they'll ask if I'm pregnant, so I might as well take a test so that I can tell them no, I'm not pregnant." So we bought a cheap off brand and when we got home I just was so tired I wanted to take a nap. So we did.

When we finally woke up I had to pee so I decided to take the pregnancy test. Spencer had started washing the dishes in the kitchen and as I watched the pregnancy test turn almost immediately positive my heart started pounding and I started shaking. I absolutely couldn't believe it so I went and grabbed the second test that came in the box. I took that one too and again, it was almost immediately positive. After two positives I started to accept that I was probably pregnant. I called for Spencer to come here and he asked if it could wait. "No!" was my response. haha. He came over and I held one of the tests out to him to see. I was seriously shaking uncontrollably. I could kinda tell that he was excited but he could tell that I was so terrified that he just pulled me into a hug and comforted me. Yes, comforted me. I was very distraught. We weren't planning this and it threw a huge wrench in plans! haha. Just tell Heavenly Father your plans and He'll laugh and throw something at ya!

I was still in such denial that I made us go out to buy a third test so I could take another one. Yes, I'm crazy. When that one was positive as well I realized that yes, yes I was pregnant. I was seriously freaking out so I asked Spencer to give me a Priesthood Blessing later that night. The blessing just solidified even more that I was definitely pregnant and it also really helped me to calm down.

I took the next day to soak it in and do some research. I was able to get excited and of course we are both extremely excited now!!! My excitement kept growing (of course I had/have freak-out days. I'm having a baby!), and so when I called to make my first doctor's appointment, imagine to my horror that I had to wait over 4 weeks! But that four weeks did finally go by and today was our first appointment. :) So exactly a month after we found out we were pregnant we had our first appointment. We had absolutely no idea how far along I was since I was so irregular. So we had the ultrasound and to my absolutely pleasure we found out that I am 12 weeks long! We got to see our little baby squirming around and it made it a little more real for us. We both left the appointment so happy and with a couple really cute ultrasound pictures. (One of which I'm sure you've seen either on my or Spencer's wall on facebook because he made an epic movie poster announcing our pregnancy! haha). So there ya go. We are very excited to be parents, surprised but very excited. Spencer is such an amazing husband and I know that he is going to be an amazing daddy. Now just can't wait to find out what the gender is!!!! haha.

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