Monday, May 2, 2011

Mother's Day Madness

Well it's that time again-Mother's Day! For me, that means busy busy busy! Full time hours last week and more than full time this week. I can't even tell you how many arrangements I made just today! We are all working so hard. This is just going to be a very long week and I will be very excited when it's over!
Other than that craziness, things are going well. Spencer and I are happy as can be. We got him a new church suit and new church shoes. They look absolutely spectacular on him! He is so handsome. He's such a good husband. He has been so supportive of how busy I have been lately. He's so loving and so good to me. We have had so much fun with his family as of late. He has a new cousin, Tatiana, who is just a little doll.
Alyssa, Spencer's sister, has been down this past weekend and we have had a ton of fun talking with her. She looks so cute with her baby belly! Spencer got to spend a large part of the day with her today and he enjoyed it.
Spencer has been doing a lot with a student film lately. He has been absolutely loving it. He got to wrangle sheep this past weekend and he had a fun time of it. He did get pretty burned though and he has quite the red face! We heard from his family recently that they are moving to San Antonio! We are so excited that they will be in Texas. It is still far away but it is much better than the east coast, which we were expecting. They will be coming to the states this summer and we are so happy to see them again.
Anyway. I am just rambling and not paying close attention to what I am writing, so I will close. All that needs to be said is that I am very busy and tired and the week just barely started. But Spencer and I are doing very well and trying to live/enjoy life to the fullest!