Saturday, October 26, 2013


I haven't written in forever! Well I am 24 weeks pregnant as of today and I am enjoying it much more than before. Most of you probably already know that we are having a little boy and we are SOOO excited about it! I have been feeling him moving more lately and I absolutely love it. Spencer felt him move for the first time last Friday night. It was very fun and very cool :) It still takes me off guard sometimes when he kicks me hard and I jump (including during the middle of class!) haha.

School is going well. We are so busy! We are both directing a mask club (a one-act) play this semester for our directing practicum class. It is very fun but very stressful and busy. I have been rehearsing for mine for a few weeks now and it actually performs on November 7. So less than two weeks now! Bah!! I am so exciting/nervous. We still have a long way to go and I'm a little nervous but I have wonderful actors. So as long as we keep moving forward it should be a fun show! If you want to read the script I wrote for it, you can read it here. I would love more feedback on the script since I do still plan to work on this script because it is far from a final draft! Spencer has been helping me a lot as he is acting as my stage manager, but he really has been more of an assistant director for me. He has such a great eye for directing. He really is so talented and I love how much he has been helping me with my show.

I submitted a couple plays to KCACTF. It is basically a playwriting competition that BYU participates in. So as a student I was able to submit a few plays. I sent in the Newly Wed one that I am directing for my mask club, and I wrote a 10 minute play over the span of 2 days, spending about 5 hours to come up with a rough draft. And it is just that, a rough draft. But it's something I have been wanting to start on for awhile, so submitting it to KCACTF made me start it. If you want to read it, you can here.

Overall we are doing well. Freaking out a little bit that I am getting closer to having our baby. We are excited for him to come but we are also very nervous. Thankfully we still have a little bit, but time is flying so fast I know he's going to be here before we know it. Yikes!

If you are in the area and would like to see the one-act play I've been directing, it performs Thursday, November 7 at BYU in the NELKE theatre at 1, 2, and 4pm.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Well if I'm being perfectly honest, I don't really like being pregnant so far. I'm only 14 weeks (I'll be 15 weeks on Saturday) and I don't know if it's just because I'm short and have a very short torso/waist, but I already have a belly. If I'm already showing I don't even want to know how big I am going to get later! I'm uncomfortable a LOT. What kills me the most is the lack of energy. I am so tired all of the time, which if you know me very well, know how extremely frustrating that is to me. I am always going and keeping myself very busy, but that has gone to pot in the past while! I just feel so bad that I can't do as much around the apartment as I used to do, especially with Spencer working as hard as he is. I feel really bad that I'm not going to be able to help when we move in a couple weeks. I have started packing a little bit here and there and apparently I can't pick up heavy things. If I pick up something a little too heavy my stomach kills me afterward. It's just very frustrating to me because I hate not being to help and do more.
Spencer, however, is amazing. He gets after me frequently to make sure that I don't overdo it. And he gets after me if I try to lift too much. I don't know why it's such a big deal for me, I know it's not as big a deal for some pregnant women, but it just kills my stomach to lift a whole lot. Anyway, Spencer is fabulous and is so wonderful all of the time! I could not have asked for a more patient, loving husband. I've actually been sicker in the past week or so than I was my entire first trimester and he has been so wonderful. Spencer is such a caring person and I am so, so lucky to have him in my life!
Despite my frustrations with pregnancy already, we are extremely happy. We already love this baby so much and are looking forward to my next appointment. It's next Wednesday (1 week, yay!!!) evening and I can't wait. After the appointment I will schedule my next one for 20 weeks for the gender scan. We are anxiously waiting for that! We are hoping for a boy but of course will be happy either way. I just can't wait until I can start feeling the baby-it might make it a little more real. And I am SO excited for when Spencer can feel our baby move. I absolutely loves it when he rubs my belly, I just can't wait until he can put his hand there and feel our baby kick back.
Our main thing we are looking forward to/dreading is moving. We are so happy to be moving into a different apartment. It's much better than our current apartment. It's a lot bigger and has a washer and dryer and a dishwasher. I cannot even express my joy over not having to hand-wash all of our dishes. And also my complete joy over being able to do laundry any time we need/want to. I'm also just very excited to be in a place that is more homelike. I am ready to not have cinderblock walls! haha. This has been a wonderful first apartment, but we are very grateful we found the place we did to move into it. Anyway. We are doing well. We are very happy, but kinda dreading school starting in a couple weeks! haha.
As for moving, I will put this out there. Since I won't be of much help in the moving process we would REALLY appreciate any help anyone can offer. We are moving from September 5-7. It's a Thursday-Saturday. Thursday and Friday will be more in the afternoon/evening and then Saturday we will just go until we are done. Any help really would be appreciated. Since I can't really move the boxes very easily I will be cleaning our old apartment and unpacking in our new apartment, trying to contribute in some way! haha. I know Spencer would be so grateful for any help though!

Friday, August 2, 2013

And then there were three!

Yep, we are expecting our first little one! And yes it was completely unexpected! haha. So I figured I would just tell our little story. If you've read my blog you will have seen that I had super irregular periods, and I found out I had high pro-lactin levels which basically meant it was going to be very difficult for us to get pregnant. Which we decided was great! I wanted to graduate and work for a year or so as a Stage Manager before having a baby, so 2015 at the earliest. Well back in May/June I started feeling really tired a lot. I didn't think too much of it because I was REALLY busy, so I figured I was just running myself into the ground. Then in June I had a couple other symptoms come up and the fatigue got worse. I couldn't make it through a day without a nap--seriously.

Spencer kept getting after me to take a pregnancy test and I kept pushing it off. "It's just my body being weird again. I know it's going to be negative to what's the point in spending the money on a test?"Finally on our anniversary, July 2nd, we were out enjoying lunch together and suddenly I was full and done after about 5 bites. No joke. I felt so uncomfortably full and was so tired. We went to Target to pick up a few things and since we were there I figured, "Well why not? I know that something is going on with my body and if I go to a doctor I know they'll ask if I'm pregnant, so I might as well take a test so that I can tell them no, I'm not pregnant." So we bought a cheap off brand and when we got home I just was so tired I wanted to take a nap. So we did.

When we finally woke up I had to pee so I decided to take the pregnancy test. Spencer had started washing the dishes in the kitchen and as I watched the pregnancy test turn almost immediately positive my heart started pounding and I started shaking. I absolutely couldn't believe it so I went and grabbed the second test that came in the box. I took that one too and again, it was almost immediately positive. After two positives I started to accept that I was probably pregnant. I called for Spencer to come here and he asked if it could wait. "No!" was my response. haha. He came over and I held one of the tests out to him to see. I was seriously shaking uncontrollably. I could kinda tell that he was excited but he could tell that I was so terrified that he just pulled me into a hug and comforted me. Yes, comforted me. I was very distraught. We weren't planning this and it threw a huge wrench in plans! haha. Just tell Heavenly Father your plans and He'll laugh and throw something at ya!

I was still in such denial that I made us go out to buy a third test so I could take another one. Yes, I'm crazy. When that one was positive as well I realized that yes, yes I was pregnant. I was seriously freaking out so I asked Spencer to give me a Priesthood Blessing later that night. The blessing just solidified even more that I was definitely pregnant and it also really helped me to calm down.

I took the next day to soak it in and do some research. I was able to get excited and of course we are both extremely excited now!!! My excitement kept growing (of course I had/have freak-out days. I'm having a baby!), and so when I called to make my first doctor's appointment, imagine to my horror that I had to wait over 4 weeks! But that four weeks did finally go by and today was our first appointment. :) So exactly a month after we found out we were pregnant we had our first appointment. We had absolutely no idea how far along I was since I was so irregular. So we had the ultrasound and to my absolutely pleasure we found out that I am 12 weeks long! We got to see our little baby squirming around and it made it a little more real for us. We both left the appointment so happy and with a couple really cute ultrasound pictures. (One of which I'm sure you've seen either on my or Spencer's wall on facebook because he made an epic movie poster announcing our pregnancy! haha). So there ya go. We are very excited to be parents, surprised but very excited. Spencer is such an amazing husband and I know that he is going to be an amazing daddy. Now just can't wait to find out what the gender is!!!! haha.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Spencer's Awesome!

So everyone knows how completely head-over-heels in love with my amazing husband I am. And this post is bragging about how talented he is!

He has been working at the LDS Motion Picture Studio since June and has been doing a wonderful job. He really enjoys working there and we are SO grateful that he has this job. He is an Assistant Video Editor which means that he transcodes the footage that is sent in and preps it for editing. It's not super exciting but it's been his foot in the door and he actually enjoys going to work. Apparently he has been doing something right, though, and he was actually put as Editor on a small project. He did a really good job on it and as long as everything continues to go well then he will be put as Editor on quite a few more projects which is awesome! He is so talented and does well at whatever he does. haha. Sometimes it's actually kind of frustrating because everything comes so easily to him. He is such a talented, intelligent person. He just naturally is good at everything he tries. He's better than me at just about everything except floral design and customer service! haha. But I absolutely love it and I love him so much. I am so grateful to have such an amazingly talented and intelligent husband.

And he is just wonderful. He has been working so hard and some long hours lately and he just keeps on going. I am so grateful for him and for all that he does. He is also extremely supportive. He is 100% supportive of me and all that I do and is always so encouraging. I've always struggled with self-esteem and I couldn't have found a better man to help me with that. He is always boosting me up and encouraging me when I don't think I can do things or when I am struggling. He is just really the most amazing man I've ever known and I am SO grateful that I get to spend all of eternity with him. I'm a very, very lucky and very blessed girl!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fun stuff!

Well again, it's been much too long since I updated this thing. I really am going to try to get better at it!

So Spencer is working at the LDS Motion Picture Studio now! He is actually working today, which is great. Sad for me, because I'm home by my lonesome, but it's great because we really need the money. He is enjoying it so far and is doing well with it. He works very hard there and does a great job. Hopefully he will move up the ladder and this job will really lead to other jobs elsewhere. We have pretty much resigned ourselves to the fact that we are going to have to move to L.A. or something after we graduate so that Spencer can get the experience he needs in a big place. We won't stay in a large area for a long time, but long enough to get Spencer up the ranks so he can get a job elsewhere. We would LOVE to end up in Washington! That is our goal. We really want to live there. I just fell absolutely in love with it last summer. And Spencer already loved it there, so that's our goal. But that will be a little longer. We aren't graduating until (tentatively) December of 2014. :( Wish it would be sooner than that, but it's just not possible.

We are doing well, though. I am taking summer classes, Spencer is not. I wanted a break but if I want to graduate next year I can't really take a break yet. But I'm only taking one class, so it's not so horrible, it's just not a class that I love. At least I have a couple friends in the class which really helps! Spring term was really fun, though. Very long and hard, but it was very fun. Spencer and I took the second directing class together (we're taking all of the directing classes together, yay!) and we absolutely loved the class. We got to have our first experience directing a scene and it was wonderful. I think we both did a good job. Our second scenes we directed for the class were so much fun! Spencer directed a scene from a Dr. Who episode (we're obsessed with Dr. Who!!!!). He did a great job. I directed a scene from an original play that I wrote during winter semester. I was very pleased with how mine turned out. My actors did such a great job and it made me really excited to direct the full play this fall.

So this fall Spencer and I are doing the directing practicum class together. We will each be directing a 35 minute play of our choice (they are called Mask Clubs). Spencer is doing an original Dr. Who episode. I started writing something for him and came up with the general idea of the one-act, we just need to sit down and get out a full first draft so we can go from there. I am directing my original one-act that I wrote during Winter Semester. It is about a newlywed couple (like, within 24 hours newlywed) that comes home to their apartment on their wedding night and it's just a fun romantic comedy. I will be re-writing and editing it for the rest of the summer so it is ready for this fall. I might put the script on here for people to give me feedback on. (If anyone reads this, of course!) haha.

During spring term Spencer and I worked on the BYU production of A Wrinkle in Time. It was very long and very hard work, but it was so rewarding. We had a great time doing it. I was an Assistant Stage Manager for it and just loved it. Again, it was hard and frustrating at times, but really what show isn't? haha. I have been astounded at my quick love for stage management. I really enjoy it. I just finished Assistant Stage Managing at The Echo Theatre in Provo. They did Steel Magnolias-such a wonderful play! That again was rough and frustrating at times, but very rewarding. I absolutely loved the cast and director and Stage Manager. They were all wonderful and it was a fun show. But I am very glad that it is over as well. I had a VERY busy few months with everything that I took on.

Fall semester I am also stage managing one of the other mask clubs that is going up. I started doing work for it this spring and will be hitting it hard this fall. So this fall is going to be very busy! But it will be super fun. I am just so grateful that Spencer and I will be in a few classes together. It's really fun being in the same major because we do a lot of the same things. And if you know Spencer and me very well, you know that we do EVERYTHING together. We are super close--he's my best friend and husband! So we enjoy doing all of these projects and classes together. I couldn't be happier :)

We had our third anniversary on July 2nd. I can't believe we have been married for three years! What a wonderful three years it has been! I am excite for many more :) We are super happy and loving life. So there ya go!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Little Updates

I have been horrible at writing on my blog lately, I really need to get better at that! Anywho. So I am back in school now and actually really enjoying it. Most of my classes are theatre classes so it is great. I get to be creative and have lots of fun, so I typically don't really dread going to class which is awesome!

Spencer is working hard in school and doing well too. We are just waiting to see if/when he will start work at the LDS Motion Picture Studio. He really wants the job and would be extremely good at it. He would be hired as a student video editor which he is SUPER talented with. Hopefully he gets hired soon. It would be an amazing opportunity for him. It really would be his foot in the door into the film industry. So hope and pray that he gets to start that soon!

If you know me well you know that I tend to have more health problems than the average person. Well trying not to go into too much detail, I have always had menstrual problems. I have always been super irregular and it is very annoying and frustrating... and unhealthy. But I am finally on health insurance again so we decided I really needed to get in and figure out what is wrong with my body. I went in last Monday and they drew five vials of blood. Yippee! I absolutely HATE needles so you can imagine how much I just loved that. Anyway. I went back in yesterday to find out the results. Everything looked good except for my prolactin levels. Apparently I have higher than normal prolactin levels which can cause menstrual problems. The doctor prescribed some medicine that is supposed to lower prolactin levels, so I am taking that now. In a month if it regulates my period then she will call in and renew my subscription and I will go back in for testing again in about 6 months or so. If it has not regulated my period then she will up my dose and see how it goes from there. I am still researching and figuring out exactly what having a high prolactin level means, but it doesn't seem like it's that big of deal, at least at the moment. Prolactin is created by the pituitary gland and is supposed to be high for new nursing mothers. It is the hormone that causes a woman to produce milk after she has a baby. So when you are not a nursing mother it is a problem if you have high prolactin levels. Anyway, the medicine they put me on is bromocriptine. There are some adverse side effects that are supposed to go away after awhile (if you suffer from any of them). I have only taken one pill, so I don't think I will really know if I will have any of the side effects or not. But on of them is headaches and I have had a killer headache today. However, I have headaches a LOT, so I don't know if it's a side effect or just the usual for me.

We are loving life and still loving married life :) Spencer is so good to me and we have so much fun together. I marvel every day that he stuck by me and won me over. I couldn't have imagined being married to a better guy. He can always make me laugh and is so loving. I am so grateful I have such a wonderful marriage with such a wonderful man. I love him so much and count my blessings for him every day!

We are very excited to be going to Reno this weekend. We both need a break from Utah and decided Reno would be great for us. So we are going with our friends Brian and Julia and we are going to stay with our friends Steve and Preston in Reno. But Spencer and I wanted a night away together, so we got a hotel at the Circus Circus hotel in Reno for a night and I am very excited. I am so excited to get away for a weekend, especially this weekend! Valentine's Day isn't as crazy this year because I am working somewhere new and they are awesome with the big holidays. Yay! But it is still busier than usual so I am looking forward to a break. And I get to spend four days straight with my favorite person in the world, who wouldn't be excited that?!

Well there ya go! A couple updates (if you care) from the young Johnson couple. We are happy and hope you are too!