Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fun stuff!

Well again, it's been much too long since I updated this thing. I really am going to try to get better at it!

So Spencer is working at the LDS Motion Picture Studio now! He is actually working today, which is great. Sad for me, because I'm home by my lonesome, but it's great because we really need the money. He is enjoying it so far and is doing well with it. He works very hard there and does a great job. Hopefully he will move up the ladder and this job will really lead to other jobs elsewhere. We have pretty much resigned ourselves to the fact that we are going to have to move to L.A. or something after we graduate so that Spencer can get the experience he needs in a big place. We won't stay in a large area for a long time, but long enough to get Spencer up the ranks so he can get a job elsewhere. We would LOVE to end up in Washington! That is our goal. We really want to live there. I just fell absolutely in love with it last summer. And Spencer already loved it there, so that's our goal. But that will be a little longer. We aren't graduating until (tentatively) December of 2014. :( Wish it would be sooner than that, but it's just not possible.

We are doing well, though. I am taking summer classes, Spencer is not. I wanted a break but if I want to graduate next year I can't really take a break yet. But I'm only taking one class, so it's not so horrible, it's just not a class that I love. At least I have a couple friends in the class which really helps! Spring term was really fun, though. Very long and hard, but it was very fun. Spencer and I took the second directing class together (we're taking all of the directing classes together, yay!) and we absolutely loved the class. We got to have our first experience directing a scene and it was wonderful. I think we both did a good job. Our second scenes we directed for the class were so much fun! Spencer directed a scene from a Dr. Who episode (we're obsessed with Dr. Who!!!!). He did a great job. I directed a scene from an original play that I wrote during winter semester. I was very pleased with how mine turned out. My actors did such a great job and it made me really excited to direct the full play this fall.

So this fall Spencer and I are doing the directing practicum class together. We will each be directing a 35 minute play of our choice (they are called Mask Clubs). Spencer is doing an original Dr. Who episode. I started writing something for him and came up with the general idea of the one-act, we just need to sit down and get out a full first draft so we can go from there. I am directing my original one-act that I wrote during Winter Semester. It is about a newlywed couple (like, within 24 hours newlywed) that comes home to their apartment on their wedding night and it's just a fun romantic comedy. I will be re-writing and editing it for the rest of the summer so it is ready for this fall. I might put the script on here for people to give me feedback on. (If anyone reads this, of course!) haha.

During spring term Spencer and I worked on the BYU production of A Wrinkle in Time. It was very long and very hard work, but it was so rewarding. We had a great time doing it. I was an Assistant Stage Manager for it and just loved it. Again, it was hard and frustrating at times, but really what show isn't? haha. I have been astounded at my quick love for stage management. I really enjoy it. I just finished Assistant Stage Managing at The Echo Theatre in Provo. They did Steel Magnolias-such a wonderful play! That again was rough and frustrating at times, but very rewarding. I absolutely loved the cast and director and Stage Manager. They were all wonderful and it was a fun show. But I am very glad that it is over as well. I had a VERY busy few months with everything that I took on.

Fall semester I am also stage managing one of the other mask clubs that is going up. I started doing work for it this spring and will be hitting it hard this fall. So this fall is going to be very busy! But it will be super fun. I am just so grateful that Spencer and I will be in a few classes together. It's really fun being in the same major because we do a lot of the same things. And if you know Spencer and me very well, you know that we do EVERYTHING together. We are super close--he's my best friend and husband! So we enjoy doing all of these projects and classes together. I couldn't be happier :)

We had our third anniversary on July 2nd. I can't believe we have been married for three years! What a wonderful three years it has been! I am excite for many more :) We are super happy and loving life. So there ya go!