Thursday, April 12, 2012

Floral Design School

Okay, so I have really been wanting to go to Floral Design School. There is one in Portland, the Floral Design Institute. Well, I am actually doing it!! I was at the bank and asked about alternative loans that they offer, and when I told the lady what it was for, she looked some stuff up and found a credit card that I could get that has zero percent interest for the first 12 months, so even better than an alternative loan! An alternative loan would immediately start accruing interest. And we plan to pay it all off within a year anyway, so when she told me that I started getting super excited. I came home and talked to Spencer about it and he said to go for it, so I am! I will get started on the Basic Floral Design class in the next few weeks, hopefully. I am doing the distance learning program for the basic design class because it is cheaper and I don't mind doing that from home. But the Advanced Design class I want to be in the classroom for so I can actually physically have a teacher there to help me. So we are going to Oregon this summer!!!! Spencer's wonderful family is helping to make it possible. His mom is driving to Oregon because her parents live there. They are going to spend a few weeks up there so they can visit and spend time with the grandparents. We are going to go with them! So we will be leaving June 22 and will come back on the 16 of July. I am taking the Advanced Design class from June 25-29. So not only do I get to go to Floral Design School, but we also get to get away from Utah for three weeks, AND we get to spend time with family. Yay!!!! I am SO excited!!!!! I seriously want to make a chain to countdown the time. I just can't believe I actually get to do this. I am stoked. Anyway, so there's my wonderful news!
Also, I will be making quite a few arrangements for my basic design class, and if anyone in the Utah County area is interested in maybe buying one, we could definitely work out something so you can get it super cheap and so I can get a little extra money to help pay for it. ooooh I just can't wait!


  1. Yeah!!! That is so exciting. You have such a talent for floral design :)

  2. Kayleen, We also completed the Basic Floral Design course through distance learning. Last summer we visited Portland for a week and completed Advanced Floral Design. Now we have a custom design business based out of our Layton, Utah home. Best wishes as you pursue your dreams! Michael & Heather Cragun, Owners and FDI Certified Floral Dsigners.
