Wednesday, October 5, 2011

31 Days of Thanks...wait....

I have recently decided that I need to be more grateful for the simple things in life. I have kind of lost sight of life's beauties and God's creations. So I am going to write about 31 things that I am grateful for-one for each day of October. After thinking about it just now, I realized that I am kind of a month early. But it's great preparation for Thanksgiving anyway! I need to go back a few days to catch up.

October 1st-Relationships
I am so grateful for the relationships that we have. The 1st was Spencer's birthday and I had been thinking for weeks what to do to surprise him and make a wonderful day for him. I actually was able to surprise him and (I think) make it a pretty good day for him. This made me think about relationships and how wonderful they are. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband that I love very much. And he loves me very much. This is such an amazing blessing in my life. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful, beautiful thing in my life. It gives me so much strength and happiness in my life. I have so many great relationships in my life and I am grateful for every one of them.

October 2nd-Living Prophets and Apostles
It was Conference Weekend and Spencer and I had the opportunity to watch all of conference in our apartment together. The talks given were amazing and brought the Spirit so strongly into our apartment, it was amazing! The talks gave me such a great desire to be better and try harder to live the Gospel. It is such a blessing to have moderns day Prophets and Apostles on the earth that speak for the Lord. It amazes me the love that they radiate. It makes me want to be a better person and to also radiate the love that they do. I just am very grateful for our loving Prophet and Apostles.

October 3rd-Nice Evenings/Date Nights/Family Home Evening
Okay, so I know that is a lot, but it makes sense in my mind and it is all connected. Monday night was beautiful-weather wise. It was overcast and chilly, but just perfect! Spencer and I had a date night that night, which could also be included as FHE, since it is just the two of us and it was Monday night. We went to the Riverwoods for some activities and we had a ball together. But the thing that I loved the most was walking outdoors with him because it was such a lovely evening. It is those simple moments-walking hand-in-hand with the love of your life on a beautiful fall night- that make life so enjoyable.

October4th-The Temple of the Lord
I must confess that Spencer and I have not been attending the Temple nearly as often as we should. But we decided that that is going to end and we went to the Temple on Tuesday. It was amazing! I feel so awful that we have not been more grateful that we live literally right next the the temple. We walked there together in the evening and went through a session. What a beautiful thing it is to be able to enter the House of the Lord and partake of the Spirit that is there. I felt such love and peace after going. We are making it a new resolve to go every week. We have the time, or we can make the time to go. I know we will be blessed even more for that and I can already see the blessings from going last night. I am so grateful to live so close to the temple. I am thankful that I can go with my husband and enjoy the Spirit and love that comes only from the Temple-a beautiful House of the Lord!

October 5th-Rain
I love rain. It smells wonderful, the sound of rainfall is gorgeous, and it cleanses the earth. I am sitting here writing this and I can hear the rain falling outside and it is music to my ears. For some reason it brings such comfort to me. There is something amazing about walking through a light drizzle with a breeze blowing around you. It just makes me smile sometimes. The beauty of God's creations amazes me. What love He must have for us to surround us with such beautiful things!

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