Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thankfulness continued!

October 6th- Sun on a Cloudy Day
As I was cleaning up the kitchen on Thursday evening I opened the blinds on the big window in our front room. It had been cloudy and cold all day. I was listening to music as I was cleaning and suddenly the room lit up. I turned and looked out the window. A beautiful ray of sunshine was spilling over the trees in the quad and lighting up a spot in the grass. I went out on the balcony to better enjoy the view. I looked up and could see the hole in the clouds that was letting the sun spill through. It was truly a beautiful sight!

October 7th-"Your Choice" Prayers
If you are reading this blog it probably means you know me really well, which means that you know I had to make a very hard and big decision in who to marry. I had dated and was seriously expecting/waiting to marry a particular young man when Spencer came along. Long story short, after months of tears, prayers, and heartache, I chose to marry Spencer. My prayers had all been answered with, "It's your choice, they're both right." Obviously I chose Spencer. Well I am doing the wedding flowers for the other young man's wedding. Friday night I made the bouquet for her bridals so they came to my apartment to pick it up. We talked for a little while and it struck me again just how grateful I am for the decision I made. I know I would have been happy either way, because that was the answer to all of my prayers. But I am so glad that I am where I am. Seeing this engaged couple all googly-eyed and excited (not saying I'm not still like that, minus the engaged part) made me so happy. They look so good together and I know they are going to live a wonderful life and be so happy together. And I know that I made the best decision for me when I chose Spencer.

October 8th-Having no Plans
It is such a simple thing to clock out of work and go home. After a week of work, coming home to Spencer, knowing we didn't have to do anything for the rest of the night, made me so happy! Spencer and I were able to spend a great night together, sitting around and just enjoying each other's company. Not having any plans and just being able to do whatever you want--even if that means just sitting around watching episode after episode of Psych--is amazing!!!

October 9th- Laughter instead of Anger
I am sure many of you know that I have Vestibular Neuritis. Simplified, it's a problem with your inner ear that makes you really dizzy. Well I have been having problems with it the past couple days-- today especially. So I broke down and asked Spencer to help me with the Epley Maneuver. It is a little thing that is supposed to help with the dizziness. So I had just swung my legs over the edge of the bed to sit up, Spencer helping to hold my head. Well I was so dizzy and it happened so fast that Spencer had no time to react. As I sat up a major dizzy spell hit and I went straight over the edge of the bed, hit my leg on the chest of drawers and landed on the ground. I was instantly a little frustrated with Spencer. The point of having someone helping you with the maneuver is to help so that things like that don't happen. But he felt bad and I knew there wasn't a whole lot he could have done. So instead, I laughed to myself at how ridiculous I must have looked sprawling over the edge of the bed. I am so grateful for those moments when your first instinct is to be upset, but after just a little thought, you laugh at the situation. It makes life so much more enjoyable.

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