Saturday, November 12, 2011

Catching up...

I didn't realize I hadn't put up some of the days of thankfulness! I got all creative one night and decided to make a "month of thanks" door thingy. So every day Spencer and I write on a leaf something we are grateful for, and then we put it on our closet door. :) So I will catch up with it all!!

Nov. 12-Nieces and nephews and the cute things they do.
We spent the day at my sister's house and her kids are adorable! They say and do the funniest things. There is something about being around babies/kids (especially nieces and nephews) that just cheers you up and makes you happy sometimes. Today was one of those days. :)

Nov. 11-A husband that is an excellent cook!
Spencer was wonderful and got up with me in the morning (6 am!) and made crepes. If he hadn't done that... I don't know where I would have been yesterday. It was a very long and frustrating day at work. I worked over eleven and a half hours and was so done with stuff that was going on. That small act in the morning helped me for the rest of the day.

Nov. 10-The Lord's tender mercies and putting people in the right place at the right time.
I don't believe in coincidences. Everything happens for a reason and that day... wow. I ran into an old friend/co-worker that was able to help me out. And it was just wonderful to catch up with a friend that I have missed.

Nov. 9-Internet/Technology.
I was able to throw together a portfolio and send it online to be printed at office max. It was such a blessing that I could do it over-night, 'cause that's what needed to happen!

Nov. 8-Being close to family and being able to help when they need it.
So our cousin lost her cell-phone on BYU campus and her mom called us to see if we could help out. We traipsed around for about an hour and a half to get her phone and track her down to give it back to her. Even though we lost out on sleep and I was tired the next day, I was so glad that we were able to help. I know I would have wanted someone to do the same for me.

Nov. 7-Deadlines. So there is something to look forward to and relief at the end!
Spencer's media arts application was due and I was so grateful to have it over and done with. I wasn't even the one doing it, but I did so much to help him, I was so relieved when he turned it in and it was done with. Now here's to hoping that he gets accepted!!

Nov. 6-A husband that knows the importance of fast offerings.
We are really strapped financially and I was having a hard time donating much money to fast offerings. Spencer chastised me and we gave more and have definitely reaped the rewards this week.

Nov. 5-Someone willing to take my shift at work
Time off of work is special. A co-worker took my shift and I was SO grateful. I didn't get much of a day off but it sure was nice to be able to help Spencer and do stuff we needed to do.

Nov. 4-Texing, so I can send and receive cute little messages from my husband while we are both busy.
Work gets pretty crazy and hard sometimes and being able to get little messages throughout the day really helps to lift my spirits and get me through the day.

Nov. 3-Friends that are willing to help when we need them.
Spencer's media arts application was coming due very quickly. Thankfully the Bishop brought his son to be in the short film he was doing, and our friend Preston was in it as well. I don't know what we would have done without them!!!

Nov. 2-Cat naps with my husband.
Pretty self explanatory there. It is amazing to just take a short nap snuggled up to Spencer. It gives me energy and just makes me happy!

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