Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pondering on love...

Well just as an update, not much has changed. We are doing well. Spencer is really enjoying his classes so far this semester. He is happy which makes me happy, and we continue to have lots of fun together! So I have been thinking about love lately and the influence/impact it can have on us. Many people know that I am very much a romantic. And (if I dare say something good about myself), I am a very loving person. I feel like that is one of my talents. I have a great capacity to love and when I love someone, I really love them. I don't hold back. And once I love someone, I will usually love them forever or for a very, very long time. I've never thought about it before, but that could be why it cuts so deeply when someone hurts me. Hm... Anyway. So I love to love! Now that you know that about me, I will continue on.
If you know me very well you know that I lost one of my best friends a few years back. For those who do know, if you have heard me talk about him a lot, I am sorry and just bear with me. (It will be four years next month since his passing, maybe that's why I've been thinking about him more lately?) Curtis was an amazing friend. He was truly just a good person through and through. He was one of the most loving, selfless people I had ever known. He is one of the people that influenced me the most by his love for me. We had such a wonderful friendship and he was there for me through a LOT. He helped me so much in so many ways. He was always very near and dear to me and he still is. I will be very excited to see him in the next life.
Anyway, he taught me a lot. And one of those things is love. He was so full of love for everyone around him. He was always looking out for others and never himself. He taught me to love more. Loving other really can fill a void if you are feeling like something is missing. It has been my experience that when you are full of love you cannot help but be happy. Personal experience. Spencer and I are struggling financially and I am struggling with things and I have been very stressed. But Spencer and I are very close (as every husband and wife should be) and I get so wrapped up in our love for one another that nothing else matters. I can't help but be happy and love life because of the love I have with Spencer and also because of the abundance of love we have in our families.
I have also learned to love and not hold back because you never know when someone is going to go away. Both my grandfathers passed away when I was sixteen-- just five months apart from each other. And then when I was 18 I lost my best friend. You really never know how much longer you have to tell someone you love them. (My two biggest regrets have to deal with this, but that will be for another day!) This life is so unpredictable. It's not worth it to not love with all you have.
Anyway. I know this has turned into a short novel. But I guess the moral of this entry is just to love. Love with all of your heart and don't hold back--this life is too short. The two greatest commandments are to love the Lord and love your neighbor. You will never regret loving someone too much, but you may regret loving someone too little. Take every chance you have to pull close to people and love them, especially your families. I'll close with one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies.
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."

What are some experiences/lessons you have learned from love? (I really would like some comments on this. It's never a bad thing to reflect on love and how it can impact us.)

P.S. and by the way. If you haven't checked out my new writing blog you should. Give me some feedback if you don't mind!

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