Thursday, January 12, 2012


It's been awhile. Time just runs away from me and I don't realize it until it's two months later! We are doing well. Just trudging along and doing the best we can. If you haven't heard already, Spencer didn't get accepted to the Media Arts Program. It was his second chance, so he is back to square one, trying to decide what to major in now. It was a very big disappointment and let-down for us. We were both really optimistic about him getting in this time, but the Lord has something else planned apparently. Spencer did find out that there are a few classes he can take even without being in the major, so he is taking a production class, editing class, and also story-boarding class this semester. He is already loving them! He really enjoys the story-boarding because it is pretty much drawing all semester. He has to draw every day of the semester. Last night he did a sketch of the Eiffel Tower and it was AMAZING! I married a very talented man. Makes me feel very UNtalented sometimes. But that is a nice segue into my next thing.

So we are super poor right now. For Christmas we decided not to buy each other gifts. We had just a little bit of money to buy something for each other from "Santa." But we were just trying to do really thoughtful gifts this year. Spencer did wonderfully! I am getting voice lessons!!!! I have always wanted voice lessons but never had the money for them. Well that's what 'Santa' gave me. Spencer has a friend from high school who is at BYU studying Music Education. She recently started teaching voice lessons and got me set up. The present was for two lessons, but if they go well and I want to continue them I can and after tonight it looks as if that will be the case. Tonight was my first lesson and I LOVED it! I love singing and miss it so much. I was super nervous for it because I haven't done much singing since I graduated from high school almost five years ago. But I really like my teacher and I seemed to click with her. I was amazed at how much it helped. I have never been very confident in myself, especially my voice. I love to sing, but I have always been very timid and kinda shy about it. She really started teaching me on how to put the sound out and it is already giving me a little more confidence. I am just so happy and excited to be taking lessons!

Spencer has made so many of my dreams come true. I never thought I would get to London, let alone Ireland, but I did both with Spencer. I never thought voice lessons would happen, but Spencer thinks I have a good voice and knows how much I love to sing, so he is making that come true too. I married quite a catch and I am very grateful for him and for all he does for me.

Anyway. This is definitely a long overdue update. Most people that actually read this blog will probably already know this, but I got a new job! I started on December 1st at Mountain Bloom Wholesale in Provo. It is a floral wholesaler. I mass produce wrapped bouquets every day. They treat me SO much better than Flower Patch did. I really like my co-workers. I am head of bouquets and I am actually excited for Valentine's. I mean, I'm completely dreading it because I hate Valentine's Day so much and because I am working for two weeks straight without a day off, but I am actually kinda excited! Something I have really learned recently is how much I enjoy management. I wish I would have figured it out when I first started college, but that's alright. Anyway, I am running the bouquets for Valentine's, which means I will be managing roughly 15 temporary employees. It is going to be hard and very stressful, but I am excited!

So all in all we are doing well. We are hanging in there and doing our best. We are still loving the married life. We made it a goal to try to always keep in in the newlywed stage (we still kind of area newlyweds, only been married for a little over 18 months!), but we are doing pretty well at that. He is my best friend and we do everything together. I love living with my best friend! Anyway... the last thing I have to say is that I started a new blog. I want to get back into writing so I started a writing blog where I am going to do exercises from a book that I bought a while back. And also just writing blips of stories or things that come to mind. It's If you would like to check it out. Well, hopefully that caught everyone up on things. We are doing well, living life to the fullest and hope the best to you!

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